
04 January, 2013

Defining critism, theory and literature

Say you happen to be present when an argument broke. As you watch all this happen, you would ..

  • wonder how the  people involved are feeling
  • evaluate their social positions
  • conjecture about the social structure of the people involved 
  • have your feelings temporarily affected 
  • become an observer of this conflict
  • 'read' not only what was said, but what was left unsaid
  • imagine their feelings, desires and results of their interactions
  • fill in the 'gaps' about their characters
  • simultaneously develop them not as they really were, but as you imagined them to be
  • become a participant in the actions of their tale
  • ask questions about the nature of the characters
  • ask the events of their story 
  • ask their and your emotional responses to the story line

These are all the same kinds of questions that a literary critic asks when reading a work of fiction. They become :
  • an evaluator
  • an interpretor
  • a participant in the story itself

Names of elements that literary critics use in order to help them articulate and analyze their literary works.
  • author
  • reader
  • narrator
  • narratee
  • etc.

One critic, the Russian writer, essayist, and literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) coined the term *dialogic heteroglossia ("many voices in multiple conversations") to explain the various conversations occurring in one literary genre, the novel. 

Technical vocabulary

  • explain constituent elements
  • avenues to discovering their meanings

~Thanks for reading~

31 December, 2012


Welcome to my study blog! Here is the blog where I will share my study notes, useful links and other various stuffs that are education-related in hope that we, not just me, will be able to be competent  students that excel both in our studies and in our future profession as English teachers. With that, I hope that readers of this blog will cooperate in helping me make this blog as beneficial as possible. Do share notes and links that you think might come in useful. Thank you again, hope I will be some sort of help to you guys :) Much love,xoxo

~Thanks for reading~