
12 January, 2013

History of Education in Malaysia

Hey there peeps. Me again, now posting for the subject Philosophy of Education. I haven't bought the book yet so I can't make my own notes but I searched for notes online so here are useful links :) I will soon make my own notes, so wait for my update yeah :)




What is in the third link I post below, so there's no need for you to click on the link if you're feeling lazy :)

Happy studying! ^____^

P.S If the notes are too small for you to read, just press CTRL and the symbol ' + ' at the same time. That will zoom everything up! :) 

~Thanks for reading~


Unknown said...

Cool peah cool ! Update la selalu :D

Soffeatul Raunaqiah said...

Haha thanks nisa :) InsyaAllah, aku pon harap aku keep it up, sebab kalau nota atas kertas ni aku salu hilang :(