
20 January, 2013

Membelek nota Sal...

Salihah adalah sahabat karibku yang gemar mencatat nota. InsyaAllah kalau dia masuk kelas, apa yang lecturer cakap tak terlepas kodd. Dok belek belek nota dia, banyaknya aku tertinggal deh!~ T.T

Okay so for Literature, hakikatnya kami sudah belajar

- Formalism
- Structuralism
- Psychoanalytic
- Reader-response
- Gender studies
- Postcolonial
- Marxist
- Territorial

(Actually we haven't discussed any of the above in detail yet, just exposed to the types of criticism)

Some traditional approaches

- Historical --> author's historical
- Biographical --> author's personal experience
- Social realism --> Social transparency

Hippolyte Taine ( 1832 - 1893)
Wellek and Warren ( Theory of Literature 1949)

Literary Critical Theory
Interpretive Strategies

- Historicism and New Historicism
- Archetypal Criticism
- Postcolonialism
-  Biographical Criticism
- Marxist
- New Criticism and Formalism

Key concepts
cultural colonization
demonic other
double vision/ double consciouses
hybridity/ syncretism

Untuk Linguistics pula

- What is language
- Language and Culture
- Functions of Language
- Properties of Language

Untuk child development pula, bukan setakat religious perspective je, yang

BIOLOGICAL perspective pon kena cover maa
And implications to teachers

Yang growth and development tuh

PRINCIPLES of growth and development pon kena buat. dushh, aku lupa. sebelum ni habis aku ignore je.

Pastu ni tak belajar lagi, but dah kena start bace.. on how individuals are different from aspects of
- cognitive
- physical
- socio-emotional
- ability
- intelligence
- potentials
- background

Okayy setakat itu sahaja. GAGAGAGAGA okayy so I won't be able to finish tonight, grr. Harap minggu ni takl banyak kerja. The assembly report dah lah tak buat lagi T.T BRRR okay lah bubye dulu, abah otw nak jenguk anak dia ni hee >.<

~Thanks for reading~

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