
17 January, 2013

Growth and Development

Okay so this week we learned about growth and development. The differences and all that. Of course, we have presentations for this topic but for this post I'm just going to share links. I'll continue about this topic in another post okies :)

Great link! There is a particular chapter that is focused on 'Child Development' . It starts with page 69 (Yeah the whole thing is 191 pages :O ) and ends with page 116 :)  It covers a lot of things that we will cover in the subject ' Child Development' . I suggest that you go through the whole thing, there is just so much! Genetics, things on heredity, puberty, adolescence and all that. Okay so it might not come in our exams, but its interesting! Remember, we learn not to get A's in our exam, but to gain knowledge (ilmu) :)

Another link that I find extremely useful is this

I like this link a lot because its super simple, easy to understand, and it sure helps to strengthen my understanding over things that I already learn in class.

I have more to share, but there will be more, insyaAllah. I'll update it soon. Till later, bye :)

~Thanks for reading~

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